MISSION: The CYO is committed to providing a ministry of information that helps bring youth to their full human potential. The CYO provides opportunities for young people to develop strong moral character, self-esteem and leadership qualities through activities of a social, educational, recreational and athletic nature.
Founded in 1939, the CYO organizes athletic competition in 14 different sports for boys and girls, fourth grade through high school. The CYO also conducts an extensive summer residential camping program and year-round outdoor education classes at Camp Rancho Framasa in Brown County. A science fair, music contest, honors music recital and chess competition are also on the annual activities calendar. The CYO Office is located at 580 E. Stevens Street, Indianapolis 46203. Contact them at (317) 632-9311.
Visit their web-site at: www.cyoarchindy.org
St. Mary’s Early Childhood Center is a not-for-profit education center that is focused on helping young children who are at great risk for a wide range of social, emotional, economic and environmental problems, and whose needs are not being adequately met by any other private or public services.
St. Mary’s Early Childhood Center was founded in 1961 to serve the needs of young children between the ages of three and five who have “fallen through the cracks” of private and public social services. The children served are exposed to severe environmental and emotional stress that has a damaging effect on their ability to learn, socialize and grow into normal, happy children. Part of the mission is to preserve reverence for the life and dignity of every single child. St. Mary’s Early Childhood Center receives its funding from private donations, grants and program fees.
St. Mary’s Early Childhood Center has two locations at 901 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. St., Indianapolis, IN 46202 and 9230 Hawkins Rd., Indianapolis, IN 46216. Contact SMCC at (317) 635-1491.
Visit their website at: https://stmarysecc.org/
Mother Theodore Catholic Academies(MTCA), is a consortium model of three Archdiocesan center-city Catholic schools: Central Catholic, Holy Angels, and St. Philip Neri.
The MTCA was officially formed in 2007. These academies provide a rigorous Catholic education for their students, which serves as the foundation for a life lived in service to Jesus, the Church, and the community. Our goal is to provide our students with a Catholic education rooted in the teachings of Jesus Christ.
The MTCA aims to remove barriers that prevent our students from meeting their full potential. We partner with various community organizations and generous donors who assist us with our school nursing program, nutrition program, after school programming and social and emotional learning.
Visit their website at: https://mtcaschools.org